Battleground, Fibromyalgia, LDA Therapy, Uncategorized

Speak Life, Even On Your Bad Days <3

Sometimes I don't know how real to be when writing a blog post. I want a rosy outlook when I'm transparent, not a lens that is tinted with shades of green: jade... jaded.... Get what I'm sayin, with all my poetic-ness? ;P Sometimes I don't let myself write when pain is super bad, because I… Continue reading Speak Life, Even On Your Bad Days ❤


Invisible Illness: Courage, Dear Heart.

Today, I’m annoyed, but I’ve been thinking about this post for a while and so-maybe this is a perfect time to get this out there. I want to preface this post with the statement: I’M NOT PERFECT. People with a chronic illness sometimes CHOOSE victim mentality willingly (oh wow, have I experienced this when trying… Continue reading Invisible Illness: Courage, Dear Heart.